Got a new transmitter for my ipod, my old one ended up in my eldest daughter's car and...well, possession, as they say, is 9/10ths of the law.
Now, mind you, most of the time I listen to podcasts. On Sunday mornings on my way to ministry I usually end up listening to Alvin Slaughter sing "Holy Spirit Rain Down" about 15x...or until I feel the Holy Spirit start to "rain down", whichever comes first.
This is a tough admission but I have a playlist that is simply entitled "70s" that I pop in when I'm just feeling in a light, fun mood. This morning I slid my ipod into its cradle, put my shades on, put my SUV in gear and headed to the D.O. and hit my 70s playlist. Its funny but every once in a while I get this feeling that lasts about 1/10th of a second that it is 1977 and I'm in my 'stang. Funny how things remind us of a time long gone. In my case those memories are good... I was a dedicated Christ-follower in those days and usually only heard top 40 music when in my car. The rest of the time I was listening to Love Song, Randy (not Dave) Matthews, Larry Norman, yep some Imperials, etc. (Unfortunately I cleaned those LPs out before the tech to digitally convert :(
This is not a deep post but consider this... this morning might have been the first time in history that an IDAG guy jammed on the way to the D.O. to Joel, Simon, Croce, & a few more that deserve no mention.
My next post will probably be on "guard your heart lest you enter into sin"... until then...