Christmas at our house is a festive time. Joyce is the chief decorator and she does most of the work with the exception of the nativities (we have 34) and the train that I set up under the Christmas tree.
It seems that she packs up almost everything in the house and replaces it with Christmas decorations (it's not really that bad but during the process of unpacking decorations, packing regular stuff for 40 days of storage, unpacking the regular stuff, and repacking the decorations for 325 days of storage it seems that way).
Christmas is our favorite time of the year because it is the time when our family intentionally comes closest together more than any other time of the year.
People generally seem more loving and gracious during the Christmas holidays. Family and loved ones become more important during the holiday season than at any other time of the year. People feel generous and compassionate. It's a great time of the year. Not only that, when else can you walk into a Target or a Wal-Mart and hear songs about Jesus playing on the store P.A. system.
Wouldn't it be nice if we just left the Christmas decorations up 365 days a year and somehow sustained the benevolent feelings and the intentional expressions of love?
Hey, if we had Christmas 365 days a year I wouldn't have to put the decorations back into the attic.
34 nativities! Dang, and I thought I had a lot of Christmas decorations...
yep, you have no idea...but its fun
We are up to 37 now!! We received 3 as gifts just this week!! (My favorite is the one Kelly brought me from Italy.)
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