Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Last Easter...

I was working on my long range calendar and I just realized I will probably never enjoy another Easter falling on my birthday. For me, its just another one of those mile markers on the highway of life reminding me I am mortal. Actually, it caught me by surprise that it even mattered to me.

I’ve had my birthday fall on Easter 4 times. The first time I was 11. All of the kids at Sunday school thought it was cool. Then when I was 22, 33, and 44… do you notice a pattern here. I assumed it would happen again at 55, but there is a gap in the continuum and it won’t happen again until I am 106. I really wasn’t planning on being here at 106! I would have celebrated big on my 44th had I realized it might be the last time.

We do many things in life for the last time and most of those times we didn’t know it was the last time. I remember the last time we wrecked one of our cars, the last root canal, and the last pulled muscle. It would be nice if some things never happened again, but what about the last kiss, the last Christmas, the last smile, or the last words we say to someone we love.

The next time I start to say something unkind to someone or pass up an opportunity to let someone know I love them, I hope I remember there’ll likely be no more birthdays on Easter.

(blog post on

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