Sunday, March 8, 2009


It is time for the Church to return to its reliance on the Holy Spirit and get off of the idea that great strategies, creativity, and the "arm of the flesh" are going to bring eternal transformation. Strategy and creativity are good things, but they are no substitute for the power and Presence of God.

What's the Church to do in a day when a pastor can be shot down in his pulpit, people are losing hope in the face of the ever worsening economy, and church after church is unable to service their mortgage? What's the Church to do when leaders fall to immorality, members are addicted to internet pornography, and accountability is non-existent? What's the Church to do when the Body of Christ just shifts from one church to the next and call it "growth"? What's the church to do when the lost aren't being found, the sick aren't being healed, the poor are not being clothed, the afflicted are not being comforted, and few are interested in the return of the Christ?

Odd thing about troubling times...they present both challenges and opportunity. I see opportunity for God to be God. You see, I believe that the Church's finest days are ahead. On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand!

Its time to stop playing "church" and start being the Church, its time to be filled once again with the Holy Spirit until our lips quiver and our lives are transformed. Acts 1:8 tells us we will receive power after the Holy Spirit comes upon you, power to become witnesses, power to stand in difficult times, and power to be the Church.

The only way the Church can rise to meet the challenges of this day is to be filled and full of the Holy Spirit. I believe it as much now, if not more, than I ever have before.

Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Walk Straight

World changers walk in straight lines. I believe one of the reasons the church is without power in so many places and circumstances is because its people and leaders wink at inconsistencies in their own lives.

I've been spending a lot of time thinking about righteousness and right living in my own life. Yes, my life might be "holier" than average, but that isn't the issue. I must walk straight in every area of my life, I must choose the right with every decision, and I must live my life as an open book.

I am glad for the grace and forgiveness of God... but that isn't the point either. God forgives, but he calls us to walk straight. Too often we transgress thinking that God will cover up for us. Ephesians 5:15 (KJV) says, "See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise...".

What is done in secret will, sooner or later, be exposed for all to see. We must walk in humility or be humiliated. If we will see God be God in this generation we must be clean vessels for the habitation of the Holy Spirit. No part dark!